Bordeaux Blanc, Dom. du Salvard
Wine Specs
Sauvignon Blanc/Chardonnay
Cheverny, Loire

Bordeaux Blanc, Dom. du Salvard

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Domaine du Salvard has been a working domaine since 1898. Operated only by the Delaille family, now the fifth generation, brothers Emmanuel and Thierry make quality the essence of the domaine. They practice sustainable farming and Lutte Raisonnée [a step towards organic farming], and limit total production to 21,000 cases annually.

The Delaille's make classic wines from Loire varietals in Cheverny, a region that lives in the wake of its better known neighbors Sancerre and Pouilly-Fume, yet produces consistently good and typical wines. Salvard Cheverny Blanc [85% Sauvignon Blanc, 15% Chardonnay] radiates with elegance and verve. It tastes of lovely, fresh and juicy citrus fruits, like citron and grapefruit, with tang that is balanced by flavors of wild herb and fresh asparagus. It has a clean yet substantial mouthfeel. This delicious wine draws to mind a French garden. It is an effortless cocktail wine and also brings a finishing touch to the table, especially when served with fish.

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